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Self-Service Support Articles
0Self-Service Support articles
Problem: QuickBooks crashes at some point during the online banking (OLB) experience and then presents an error. The error is unrecoverable.
Probable Cause: Data is corrupt.
- Rebuild the data.
- If after a rebuild the online banking experience still causes a crash, restore a backup from when the OLB last worked successfully. You can get the date from the edit account window > Online Setup tab for last successful download OR from the OLB screen for the financial institution having issues.
Downloaded transaction script errors should be escalated directly through QuickBooks Online by the customer. Assist the customer with escalating the issue themselves using the steps below.
Have the customer click the Report Issue link within the error message on the Banking (Downloaded Transactions) page and enter their name and email address. To navigate to the error, select the bank name at the top of the screen that contains the red exclamation point.
Explain that the request goes directly to the engineering team that resolves banking errors.
If there are multiple accounts with the same bank and script error, only one of them as to be reported.
- Inform them that they'll be hearing back from that team and not QBO Customer Care. You can quote them 10 business days for a resolution. Many are resolved within 24 or 48 business hours.
Error OL 301 is a message from the OFX Direct Connect server. It can be due to the following:
- The version of QuickBooks Desktop for Windows or Mac is discontinued.
- The OFX Direct Connect server responds with Error 2000 (a message from the financial institution that must be researched by the IT professionals that manage the OFX Direct Connect server).
Probable Causes: Bill payments usually prompt OL 393 (out of sync payees, etc.) or a closed account is in the request to the financial institution.
- Review the OFX log file. To find how to locate log files:
- Look for a Token -1.
- If found in the Online Bill Payment response, escalate to the IT professionals that manage the OFX Direct Connect server.
- If found to be a closed account, disconnect this account in the account list to remove from the request for statement download to the financial institution.
Error When Using Quicken Online Services: OL-293 or OL-294Error When Using Quicken Online Services: OL-293 or OL-294
Error When Using Quicken Online Services: OL-293 or OL-294 Error When Using Quicken Online Services: OL-293 or OL-294
Error 102 is connectivity related. It typically indicates an issue with the financial institution website, or an issue with data transfer between Intuit's servers and the financial institution's servers.
You can try these suggestions:
- Use Refresh All in QuickBooks Online to manually update your account.
- Try signing into the Financial Institution's online banking website.
- See if there's an alert or maintenance notice.
- Ensure that account data is displaying properly at the website.
- It's possible that it's a transient issue, so wait a few hours and retry your connection.
Error 103 indicates that the wrong credential information is stored in QuickBooks Online. Troubleshooting this error is slightly different if you have an existing connection or a new connection.
For an existing connection:
- From the Banking menu, choose Banking.
- Locate the account that generated error 103.
- Click Edit (pencil icon).
- Click Edit sign-in info.
- Type the correct username and password, then click Update. Important: type the username and password rather than allowing your browser to auto-fill a stored password.
- Link the accounts normally.
For new connections:
Ensure that you've selected the right financial institution and that you've entered your credentials correctly.
- From the Banking, choose Banking.
- Click Add Account.
- In the Search field, enter the bank's name or URL.
- Click the entry for your financial institution.
- Type the username and password you use at your bank's website, then click Continue.
- Link the accounts normally.
Error 108 indicates a message at the FI website that requires customer action. Some examples are new terms of service, a special offer, or an announcement of some kind.
To resolve the error, have the customer:
- Sign in to the FI website and read/respond to active messages.
- Log out of the FI website.
- Log into QBO.
- Choose Banking > Banking.
- Click Reconnect on the Bank Account(s) to download transactions.
Error 109 indicates that the QBO user must update their password at the FI website to download transactions.
To fix this issue, have the QBO user:
- Log in to the bank website and update their password.
- Log off the bank's website.
- Log into QBO and go to the Banking menu.
- Click the account that needs updated credentials.
- Click Edit (pencil) on the bank account tile and then click Edit sign-in info.
- Type the new password.
- When finished, click Save and connect.
Error 185 means that the financial institution (FI) requires more information from the customer before transactions will download. This is common with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) where additional security is necessary beyond the UserID and Password.
To fix this issue, have the user run 3 to 5 manual updates:
- Select Refresh all on the Bank Accounts page.
- After the first update, select Refresh all several more times. (Don't worry, the updates won't cause duplicate transactions.)
- If the QBO user is not prompted to answer additional security questions, then their automatic updates should begin to work normally.
Error Code 324 in QuickBooks Online usually occurs when a new account number or credit card is issued by the bank. It can also appear when the account is closed or the bank client gave the account a new nickname.
You can try these suggestions:
- Click on 'Reconnect my account' link that displays on the account in the Banking screen along with the error message.
- Follow the given steps and select the proper account from the pull down arrow. This links the nicknamed account to the QBO account.
- This refreshes the relationship between QBO and the financial institution.
There are various reasons for the error, which are discussed below.
You can try these suggestions:
- Ask user to log on the bank's site using a different browser to see if they are successful. If unsuccessful, take note of issue (such as invalid login for User ID and/or password).
- The account might be inactive for online services. Accounts are considered active when there is an open balance or if there are transactions over the past 12 months by QBO rules.
- Look for missed prompts at the bank's website. These prompts (advertising bank services or terms and conditions for example) need to be acknowledged.
- If the above do not work, obtain the QBO Company ID and open a support ticket for further investigation by Intuit's Partner Care team.
Learn how to reconnect your online bank and credit card accounts to refresh the connection.
After you connect your bank and credit card accounts to online banking, QuickBooks automatically downloads your recent transactions. You don't have to enter them manually. To keep everything up-to-date, you may need to periodically refresh the connection to your bank and credit card accounts. Some banks require you to reconnect every 90 days, others only need updates every 18 months.
If the connection expires or gets updated by your bank, you may see Error 350 when you go to the Banking menu. Don't worry. All you have to do is reconnect the account to QuickBooks.
You can try these suggestions:
- In QuickBooks Online, go to the Banking menu or Transactions menu.
- Select the blue bank square for the account you need to reconnect.
- Select the Sign in link.
- Enter the user ID and password you use to sign in to your bank's website.
- Select the accounts you want QuickBooks to download transactions from. Then select Continue.
- When you're ready, select Update to get the latest transactions from your bank.
How to provide information for researching online banking issues (QuickBooks Online)
For QuickBooks Online:
- QBOE Company ID (Press Ctrl+Alt+? to display)
- QBO subscription email address
- Screenshots of relevant windows in QBO
QuickBooks Desktop 2022 supports aggregation (Express Web Connect) for few Financials Institutions (FI). To find out if your FI supports this download option, do this:
- Open QuickBooks Desktop and click Banking on the menu bar.
- Select Bank Feeds > Set Up Bank Feed for an Account.
- If prompted to Temporarily Close All Windows, click Yes. QuickBooks is updating the stored branding files.
- In the ""Step 1: Find your Bank"" window, type your FI name in ""Enter your bank's name"" field.
- Click your FI's name from the list presented.
- If the window labeled ""Manually Import Transactions"" displays and there is no link labeled ""Advanced Setup"", your FI does not support aggregation (Express Web Connect).
Quicken ID sign in troubleshooting steps are found here: link You can share this online article with users of Quicken.
Go here for the QuickBooks desktop year-end guide, which you can share with users of QuickBooks desktop:
Quicken only guarantees 90 days of transactions. However, some financial institutions allow you to initiate longer download periods directly at their website typically through a Web Connect file. This is managed by the financial institution.
What is a security match?
Quicken matches data for a security received from a financial institution to a security in the Quicken file using the CUSIP ID field provided by the financial institution. When Quicken imports data for a security with a CUSIP ID that is not matched within the Quicken file, a prompt displays for the client to manually match the security to an existing security or to create a new security. The existing link is cleared by unchecking Matched with online security on the Edit Security Details window. The next time Quicken attempts to match their CUSIP IDs, Quicken should prompt the client to select the appropriate Quicken security. NOTE: Whether Quicken will correctly assign an unmatched CUSIP ID provided by the financial institution to an existing Quicken security automatically depends on whether the financial institution chooses to also provide the ticker symbol and whether the same ticker symbol is already assigned to a Quicken security.
FAQ for resolving
NOTE: The ""Simple Tracking"" preference uses this same information to update the positions and cash.
Go to this URL for instructions:
Customers can import transaction history when the financial institution has Web Connect files available on their website. QBO can accept .QFX and .QBO files. Here is an online article that can be shared:
Some errors are due to incorrect aggregation coding and can be reported by the customer to Intuit engineers. Here is how:
- In the Banking menu, the error displays a link 'Report Issue.'
- Click the link and enter Name and Email and send.
- Explain to the customer that the request goes directly to Intuit engineers that resolve online banking errors.
- If there are multiple accounts with the same error, only one of the accounts is to be reported.
- The customer/member will hear from the engineer team directly.
- You can quote them 10 business days for a resolution.
Investments can import using Express Web Connect exclusively in Quicken for Mac and Simplifi. The display is Simple Tracking where Investment Values display without transactions.
Partner Technical Support does not assist. Here is an online article to share:
See investment balances but not the information related to transaction:
Direct Connect option for Complete Investing provides transactions and balances. Investing portfolio tab:
Intuit does not currently track online banking usage. This is due to privacy restrictions put in place to protect all users. You may want to reach out to your online banking service provider to see if they have anything place to track access point on your website.
If you would like to view Intuits privacy statement, please go here:
TLS is an industry wide standard. Intuit defaults to TLS 2.0, but can support 1.2 and 1.1 if needed.
4 Pixel sizes:
- Height = 110, Width = 60
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The following are acceptable file types:
- Adobe illustrator (.ai)
- Encapsulated PostScript (.eps)
- Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)
Please send in color in true vector format. Do not send vector files with bitmaps inside them.
It is not.
There are 3 connectivity types that Intuit uses for desktop and online products. For an in-depth explanation on these types and the products they support, go here:
These error messages are due to one or more online bill payments failing to send successfully from QuickBooks to the financial institution.
Before you troubleshoot:
- Back up your QuickBooks company file.
- Contact your bank to find out the status of the last transactions sent and the ones that remain in the queue.
Solution 1: Clear stuck online transactions
- If any payments show as paid at your bank, and are listed in the queue, go to Solution 2 to delete them without re-sending.
- Find out which payments are stuck
- Note: In some cases it may be necessary to switch to register (classic) mode to successfully clear the transaction.
- Go to Banking.
- Select Bank Feeds then select Bank Feeds Center.
- From the Bank Accounts list, choose the account with stuck transactions.
- In the Send items to your bank section, uncheck all online checks and bill payments to be sent.
- Select the first payment, then select Send Items.
- Repeat step 5 for each online payment until the stuck transaction is found.
- When you've identified the stuck online payment, continue to clear stuck online transactions.
- Clear stuck transactions
- Hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard and select Send/Receive or Sync Accounts..
- Continue to hold the Ctrl key through the entire Online Banking session, except when you need to enter your user ID, password, or PIN.
- The message ""Your last online connection was not completed. QuickBooks Desktop is having a problem recovering from this condition"" appears.
- Continue to hold the Ctrl key and select OK.
- The message ""Do you wish to resend this request again to your financial institution, do it only after speaking to the Online Banking Technical Support."" appears.
- Continue to hold the Ctrl key while you select OK.
- This will clear and resend the stuck request(s). You may need to go through this process several times on the same transaction before it'll clear.
Solution 2: Remove a stuck online payment without resending
- If you can't clear the stuck payment, here's how you can remove the payment from the queue:
- Open the stuck payment in your register.
- Hold down the Ctrl key and select Pay Online or Online Bank Pmt to uncheck it.
- If you receive a message, continue to hold the Ctrl key and select OK.
- If the payment is still in Items to Send in the Bank Feeds Center, select the item to be deleted and select Delete. If this fails to remove the payment:
- Select the payment, hold down the Ctrl key, and select Delete. You’ll receive a message that you can't delete the payment.
- Hold the Ctrl key and select OK.
- You’ll receive a message asking if you want to remove restrictions, select Yes.
- Select the payment and select Delete.
Note: You may need to repeat these steps several times to remove the transaction. If you're unable to resolve the error using these steps, restore your backup. If you don’t have a backup, collect your Bank Feeds log files and contact support and we’ll help you repair the file. Fees may apply.
ACH is non-supported by OFX formatting.
Here is an online article for the QuickBooks Desktop user to sign up for the QuickBooks Payments (OFX Partner Technical Support does not support this product):
ACH is non-supported by Intuit.
Here is an online article for the QBO user to sign up for the QuickBooks Payments (OFX Partner Technical Support does not support this product):
ACH is non-supported by OFX formatting.
Here is an online article for the Quicken user to sign up for the Quicken Bill Manager (OFX Partner Technical Support – my team – does not support this product):
If the user needs more assistance, they will reach out to Quicken’s Support team: – Scroll to the bottom for options.
Desktop products: FI needs to submit request to Service provider. Service provider will take care of logo update request via branding tool -
OLSU-1013 is due to the following:
- The user credentials entered are incorrect.
- To fix, enter the correct credentials.
- The Intuit branding file is old.
- To fix, open a Sample Company.
- Select Banking > Bank Feeds > Set Up Bank Feed for an Account.
- QuickBooks will ask to close all windows and then proceeds to download the latest branding file.
- Enable the TSL1.2 Internet protocol:
- Open Windows Control Panel.
- Select Internet Options.
- Select the Advanced tab.
- Scroll down to Security.
- Unmark Use TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. f. Mark Use TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3.
- Click Apply and OK.
- Close all open programs and reboot the computer.
Use Parallels with VMWare
- Open the Credit Karma app and tap Net Worth on the Today page
- Tap the + symbol next to the gear icon at the top right or Link more next to Assets or Debts underneath your Net worth.
- In the search field, enter the financial institution you want to add and select it
- Tap Open account site to securely sign into your bank or credit card account
- Enter your username, password, and any additional other required information. Use the same username and password you use to sign in to your financial institution's website
- We'll add the account and download all its transactions from the past 90 days
You can add additional accounts by tapping the + sign at the top right of the Net worth tab or by tapping Link more next to Assets or Debts
Step 1: Open Chrome, click 3 dots (upper right)> More Tools> Developer Tools.
Step 2: Go to the ""Network"" Tab and check the Preserve log checkbox.
Step 3: Login to QBO, connect to Financial Institution
Step 4: Export the HAR File.
Error: GetQBAccountSpecialType, An unknown QuickBooks account that was used mostly occurs due to the damaged renaming rules.
How To Create & Use Renaming Rules For Bank Feeds In QuickBooks Desktop
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