Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Equal Employment Opportunity
At Intuit, diversity and inclusion are part of our culture and who we are as a company. We believe that innovation thrives in a safe, ethical and inclusive work environment that includes a diverse range of employees, perspectives and experiences.
Intuit is an equal opportunity employer. We hire, promote and reward the most qualified employees no matter what protected categories they happen to fall into. We do not tolerate discrimination based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or religious dress or grooming practices, age, sex, pregnancy or childbirth or breastfeeding status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability or veteran or military status, marital or registered domestic partnership or civil union status, housing status, medical condition, genetics, or any other protected categories. That’s true for all aspects of employment, including recruiting, hiring, promotion, demotion, transfer, termination, compensation, benefits and training.
Applicants and employees who need workplace accommodations because of their disabilities or religious beliefs should also reach out to HR Connect for help.
We expect all employees to help foster a safe, ethical and inclusive work environment. Remember that not everyone may share your point of view. Always share different perspectives in a courteous and respectful way. If that is not possible or your perspective is likely to make others feel like they do not belong or do not have equal opportunities at Intuit because of a protected characteristic (for example, gender, race or age), do not share that perspective at work or with work colleagues. We will take corrective action for comments or actions that do not align to Intuit’s values and our commitment to diversity, inclusion and equal employment opportunity.
Reporting Violations of this Policy
We cannot address conduct we do not know about. All managers are required to promptly report any known or suspected violation of this policy. We also want all other employees to report any conduct that they experience, see, or hear about that may violate this policy, even if it did not happen to them, within their team or to someone the employee knows.
If you believe you have experienced conduct that violates this policy or are aware of or witnessed conduct that may have impacted someone else, please report it right away to HR Connect or Intuit’s Integrity Line (anonymous reporting) 24 hours a day by opening a case online or calling 877-379-3939 (US). (If you are calling from outside the US, go to the Intuit Integrity Line and under “To Make a Report” select your country from the drop-down list in step one.) You can also report the conduct to your HR Business Partner, your manager or any higher-level leaders. Any HR representative, manager or executive who becomes aware of a complaint or concern must immediately report it to HR Connect, their HR Vice President or the Ethics Office so the company can investigate the claim internally.
Every employee can play a role in helping us meet our commitment to a safe, inclusive and ethical environment. If you report what you believe is a violation of this policy, we will make reasonable efforts under the circumstances to protect your identity and maintain confidentiality, except as necessary to conduct our investigation and take appropriate action.
If you have experienced inappropriate or unwelcome conduct from another person, you may also want to consider telling the other person that the behavior was offensive and needs to stop. You are not required to do so, but it is possible that the other person does not realize that his or her conduct was inappropriate or unwelcome. A clear written or verbal communication can let the other person know they have crossed a line and give them an opportunity to adjust their behavior.
Investigating and Correcting Inappropriate Conduct
We will investigate any good faith report of inappropriate conduct including retaliation. We will talk with the people involved and other witnesses. Regardless of how we hear about it or who we hear it from, a qualified member of our team will timely respond, investigate in a fair and impartial manner and document and track the investigation. Our investigation will be conducted in a way that provides all parties with a reasonable chance to be heard and our findings will be based on the evidence collected. All employees are expected to cooperate with our internal investigation process to help ensure we can effectively evaluate all complaints. We will make reasonable efforts to keep investigation findings and related documentation confidential, except where necessary to complete and close out our investigation and take appropriate action.
If Intuit finds a violation of this policy, we will take appropriate action to address and/or correct it immediately and to prevent additional violations. Depending on the situation, we may provide training, counseling, or job reassignment for the person or persons who have violated this policy. Anyone who violates this policy may be subject to corrective action that, in some cases, may include immediate termination. When addressing a violation of this policy, we will consider, among other things, the severity of the conduct and the response and accountability taken by the individual who violated the policy. When appropriate, Intuit will make adjustments for any losses in pay, benefits or employment position that resulted from violation of this policy.
Anyone who has concerns about how an investigation was conducted, the process or investigation conclusions may contact the Ethics Office or any HR Vice President
Retaliation is Prohibited
Intuit prohibits retaliation against individuals who raise concerns about violations of this policy either internally or externally or who help with an investigation of a complaint.
Retaliation can include:
● Termination or demotion
● Reducing pay or benefits
● Unfairly criticizing or evaluating job performance
● Interfering with work
● Ostracizing or otherwise excluding from activities at work
● Physical violence
● Threatening to do any of the above
Who Needs to Know This Policy
This policy applies to all US employees.
Not Following This Policy
Employees who do not follow this policy will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.
Intuit is committed to creating a safe, ethical and inclusive work environment so employees can do the best work of their lives. We expect all of our employees to act professionally, to use good judgment and to treat each other with respect. We prohibit unwelcome and unwanted sexual or other related inappropriate conduct that could create an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment for employees. In addition to sexual harassment, we also prohibit such conduct when it is based on any characteristic protected by law, including:
- Pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or related medical conditions
- Gender, gender identity, or expression
- Sexual orientation
- National origin
- Ancestry
- Race
- Color
- Genetics
- Religion, religious dress or religious grooming practices
- Age
- Physical or mental disability
- Medical condition
- Marital, civil partnership, registered domestic partner or union status
- Housing status
- Military and veteran status
We may consider an employee’s conduct to be in violation of this policy even if it falls short of conduct that would be considered harassment under applicable law.
What Conduct Do We Consider Harassment?
Harassment can take many forms. It is important to consider how behavior is perceived by and affecting others. Just because you or others do not believe conduct is offensive does not mean everyone agrees with you or that it does not violate this policy. Harassment can be verbal or nonverbal, physical or non-physical.
Examples of harassment include:
- Sexually suggestive gestures
- Unwelcome or unwanted comments about someone’s body or appearance
- Sexually degrading words used to describe an individual
- Vulgar or obscene text messages, emails, Slack messages, GIFs, emojis or memes
- Jokes or comments, including, for example, sexual innuendo or jokes about age or race/ethnicity or any protected category (see list above)
- Viewing or showing others pornography or sexually suggestive images
- Treating someone differently because of a negative response to a sexual advance or because a voluntary relationship has ended
- Pressuring someone – directly or indirectly – for sexual favors in exchange for better treatment at work or by threatening worse treatment at work
- Derogatory terms, such as slurs or stereotypes, related to a protected class
- Intuit Confidential Intuit Employee Policy
- Posting or sending comments or images that make fun of individuals in protected classes
- Display of symbols associated with hate or disdain of a protected class
- Giving massages or shoulder rubs
- Intentionally brushing against or touching someone
- Hugging in a non-collegial manner
- Leering or staring
- Threatening or intimidating conduct
- Unwelcome physical contact or blocking a person’s movements
This policy applies to conduct that happens during work time, as well as during off-site functions, Intuit sponsored events and in social media or other communications, when it affects the work environment. It does not matter if you were joking or under the influence of alcohol or other substances when you engaged in the conduct. You are accountable for your behavior at all times.
Romantic or sexual relationships in the workplace or with co-workers can lead to behavior that violates this policy. We also have rules regarding Relationships at Work to limit the potential for conflicts of interest. Please refer to the Relationships at Work policy for details regarding other relationship guidelines. We expect our employees to follow those expectations and never let a relationship negatively affect the workplace or violate this policy.
This policy applies to persons at all levels of the company regardless of their reporting relationships and is not limited to conduct between managers and the employees they supervise. The harasser can be an executive, manager, co-worker or someone in a lower-level position than the person being harassed. It does not matter if the person who acted inappropriately is a contractor, vendor, customer, or other outsider to the company. If the conduct impacts the working environment, it falls under this policy.
When reviewing conduct under this policy, we look at the way conduct impacts the work environment as a whole.
Reporting Harassment or Other Inappropriate Conduct
We cannot address conduct we do not know about. All managers are required to promptly report any known or suspected violation of this policy. We also want all other employees to report any inappropriate conduct they experience, see or hear about, even if it did not happen to them, within their team, or to someone the employee knows.
If you believe you have experienced conduct that violates this policy or are aware of or witnessed conduct that may have impacted someone else, please report it right away to HR Connect or Intuit’s Integrity Line (anonymous reporting) 24 hours a day by opening a case online or calling 877-379-3939 (US). (If you are calling from outside the US, go to the Intuit Integrity Line and under “To Make a Report” select your country from the drop-down list in step one.) You can also report the conduct to your HR Business Partner, your manager or any higher-level leaders. Any HR representative, manager or executive who becomes aware of a complaint or concern must immediately report it to HR Connect, their HR Vice President or the Ethics Office so the company can investigate the claim internally.
Every employee can play a role in helping us meet our commitment to a safe, ethical and inclusive environment. If you report what you believe is a violation of this policy, we will make reasonable efforts under the circumstances to protect your identity and maintain confidentiality, except as necessary to conduct our investigation and take appropriate action.
If you have experienced inappropriate or unwelcome conduct from another person, you may also want to consider telling the other person that the behavior was offensive and needs to stop. You are not required to do so, but it is possible that the other person does not realize that his or her conduct was inappropriate or unwelcome. A clear written or verbal communication can let the other person know they have crossed a line and give them an opportunity to adjust their behavior.
Investigating and Correcting Inappropriate Conduct
We will investigate any good faith report of inappropriate conduct including retaliation. We will talk with the people involved and other witnesses. Regardless of how we hear about it or who we hear it from, a qualified member of our team will timely respond, investigate in a fair and impartial manner and document and track the investigation. Our investigation will be conducted in a way that provides everyone involved with a reasonable chance to be heard and our findings will be based on the evidence collected. All employees are expected to cooperate with our internal investigation process to help ensure we can effectively evaluate all complaints. We will make reasonable efforts to keep investigation findings and related documentation confidential, except where necessary to complete and close out our investigation and take appropriate action.
If Intuit finds a violation of this policy, we will take appropriate action to address and/or correct it immediately and to prevent additional violations. Depending on the situation, we may provide training, counseling or job reassignment for the person or persons who have violated this policy. Anyone who violates this policy may be subject to corrective action that, in some cases, may include immediate termination. When addressing a violation of this policy, we will consider, among other things, the severity of the conduct and the response and accountability taken by the individual who violated the policy. When appropriate, Intuit will make adjustments for any losses in pay, benefits or employment position that resulted from violation of this policy.
Anyone who has concerns about how an investigation was conducted, the process, or investigation conclusions may contact Intuit’s Ethics Office or any Vice President of People & Places.
Government Reporting
To support our commitment to a safe, ethical and inclusive environment, we want employees to inform us of any potential violations of this policy and to provide us with the opportunity to investigate these potential violations. We can address issues quickly and ensure that we will take your concerns seriously. Anyone who believes they have been harassed has a right to contact and file a complaint with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or with the state or local agencies that handle discrimination and harassment complaints in the area where they live. These government agencies can investigate claims, assist the parties in resolving any disputes and provide appropriate remedies if laws have been violated.
To contact one of these agencies, please look at the U.S. government or state/local agency sites on the internet or in a local phonebook for the agencies handling labor, employment or equal rights issues.
Retaliation is Prohibited
Intuit prohibits retaliation against individuals who raise concerns about violations of this policy either internally or externally or who help with an investigation of a complaint.
- Retaliation can include:
- Termination or demotion
- Reducing pay or benefits
- Unfairly criticizing or evaluating job performance
- Interfering with work
- Ostracizing or otherwise excluding from activities at work
- Physical violence
- Threatening to do any of the above
Who Needs to Know This Policy
This policy applies to all US employees.
Not Following This Policy
Failing to follow this policy or report a violation of this policy may lead to discipline, up to and including termination.
Effective Date: December 1, 2023
Workplace Violence Mitigation Policy
We are committed to the safety and well-being of our workers as part of a safe, ethical, and inclusive work environment where workers can do the best work of their lives. We do not allow violence and conduct that is threatening to others. This policy applies to both on-site and off-site locations where Intuit business is conducted, including Intuit-sponsored events.
If you have questions or concerns, contact HR Connect at 1+800-819-1620 or Global Security Operations at 1+650-944-6911. For emergencies, contact your local police or emergency personnel.
Applying this policy
This policy applies to all workers.
Your safety is our priority. We do not allow violence, threats of violence, or any other conduct that threatens the safety of our workers or others in the workplace.
Be mindful about your behavior, and remember, it does not matter if you were joking when the incident happened. You are responsible for your actions at all times. This applies to behavior that happens:
· During work time.
· At off-site work functions.
· On social media or in other communications.
· Away from the workplace, and we determine the act may lead to violence in the workplace.
Violence means any intentional or reckless act that harms another person or property. This includes:
· Physical actions that cause or may cause physical and psychological injury or harm to another person or property.
· Behavior that causes someone to reasonably fear for their personal safety, or the safety of their family, friends, pets, or property.
A threat is any verbal or physical behavior that endangers a person’s personal physical or psychological safety or property. If the person thinks the behavior is meant to cause harm, then it is considered a threat.
Weapons mean any object, device, or substance that is not used as originally designed and is then used to incapacitate, cause serious bodily injury, or to kill someone.
Prohibited Behavior
We do not allow these behaviors, including, but not limited to:
· Harassment, name-calling, or other actions or words intended to intimidate someone or make them feel fearful.
· Getting into or encouraging a fight.
· Using any object to injure, threaten, or intimidate someone.
· Observing or stalking someone in person or contacting them by phone, computer, camera, or other electronic means.
· Threats or actual destruction of Intuit property.
· Selling or trying to sell weapons using any Intuit resource.
Prohibited Weapons
We do not allow weapons and firearms on any of our properties, including the facility and parking structures, unless allowed under local laws.
You are not allowed to bring these weapons and firearms to the workplace, including, but not limited to:
· Personal weapons, including ones that are concealed or visible and ones you have with a permit or license to carry.
· Knives.
· Explosives or flammable devices.
· Firearms such as guns, pistols, shotguns, or rifles.
· Other devices that use explosives, compressed gas, or other ways to fire an object.
All workers and other people visiting our properties should watch for threats of violence and immediately report what they see or experience in the workplace.
We encourage everyone to follow the guide: “If you see something, say something, or do something,” even if you are not sure it is an actual threat or act of violence.
Reporting Process
If you do not know whether to report a situation, always lean towards reporting.
You can make a report to your manager, your HR Business Partner (HRBP), or Intuit security. You can reach an Intuit security team member 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling the number for your region.
You should immediately report emergencies and harmful threats to the police or other emergency personnel in your country. For Australia: Immediately report emergencies or threats by calling 000.
We investigate all concerns and will take appropriate steps to address the incident. We will also report workplace violence threats and incidents to the police, as appropriate.
We have procedures in place to protect you from workplace harassment and violence. We have conducted a workplace violence and harassment hazard assessment and we will repeat this assessment as often as necessary.
We will take appropriate steps to address identified hazards and to control any possible threats. These steps may include, but are not limited to:
· Creating procedures to ensure a safe working environment.
· Communicating information about the nature and extent of the hazards.
· Designing emergency procedures that are specific to harassment or violence incidents.
Protective Orders
If you apply for or obtain a protective, restraining, or intervention order from a court (or for Australia, a bullying stop order from the Fair Work Commission) that identifies the workplace as a protected area, notify HR Connect, and give them a copy of the order as soon as possible.
Workers who do not follow this policy may be disciplined, which can include termination of employment for cause.
This policy is not intended to discourage you from exercising your rights under any law, including applicable human rights laws.
Drugs and Alcohol Policy
Intuit is committed to the health and well-being of employees as part of a safe, ethical and inclusive workplace so they can do the best work of their lives.
Prohibited Conduct
Employees are prohibited from possessing, using, manufacturing, selling, distributing or offering for sale or distribution illegal drugs while on Intuit property (including parking area and grounds), while performing work away from Intuit or while attending a company-sponsored event.
Employees are not allowed to have any illegal controlled substances in their systems while at work, while performing work away from Intuit or while attending a company-sponsored event. “Illegal drugs” include all drugs that are unlawful to possess as a matter of federal, state, or local law, and include marijuana and marijuana products (including CBD oil) and medications not prescribed to the individual or used other than as prescribed.
Employees also may not come to work with lawful, controlled substances in their systems (including alcohol or over-the-counter medications), if the use causes the employee to be impaired or under the influence while at work, while performing work away from Intuit, driving on company business or while attending a company sponsored event. Employees who choose to drink alcohol at authorized company-sponsored activities such as holiday parties, recognition dinners or other social events, must do so in a responsible manner and should refrain from becoming intoxicated or impaired.
Employees taking medication legally prescribed under both federal and state law should consult their physician or pharmacist as to whether the prescription drug could impair their ability to perform their work safely and effectively. If work performance could be affected by use of a legal drug, contact HR Connect or Workplace Accommodations so that reasonable accommodations can be considered. Marijuana and marijuana products remain illegal as a matter of federal law and therefore the use and possession of these products is prohibited by this policy, even in jurisdictions that have authorized the use of these products for adult recreational or medical use. Intuit will accommodate medical marijuana users to the extent required by law, but the use and possession of marijuana on company premises or work sites is always prohibited, as is coming to work impaired.
Who Needs to Know This Policy
This policy applies to all US employees. Intuit may revise this policy in writing as we deem necessary.
Not Following This Policy
Failing to follow this policy or to report a violation of this policy may lead to discipline, up to and including termination.
Intuit may take any and all appropriate and lawful actions necessary to enforce this policy, including, but not limited to, asking an employee to complete a drug and/or alcohol test when it has reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee may have violated this policy. Reasonable suspicion may arise from, among other factors, supervisory observation, co-worker reports or complaints, performance decline, attendance or behavioral changes, results of drug searches or other detection methods or involvement in a workplace or vehicular accident.
Intuit also reserves the right to inspect its property, including lockers, desks or other suspected areas of concealment, as well as an employee's personal property, when the company has reasonable suspicion to believe the employee may have or has violated this policy.
Employees will be subject to discipline, including possible termination, for refusing to submit to screening or for failing to execute consent forms when required by manager.
Employee Education and Resources
Intuit provides confidential counseling for alcohol and/or drug abuse issues through our Employee Assistance Program. The company encourages employees who suspect they have an alcohol or drug problem to seek treatment. It is the responsibility of each employee to seek and accept assistance before substance abuse problems affect their work performance. Employees who need medical assistance for alcohol and/or drug abuse may be entitled to a leave of absence pursuant to Intuit’s applicable leave policies.
An employee’s decision to seek treatment or other counseling does not relieve the employee of performing his or her job according to Intuit’s job performance standards. Participation in treatment or counseling will not prevent Intuit from administering discipline for violation of its policies or job expectations.
Reporting and Contacts
For questions or to report a concern about the policy, contact HR Connect.
Relationships at Work
Having a family or other personal relationship with another Intuit employee, contingent worker, vendor or supplier can create an actual or perceived conflict of interest and impact our safe, ethical and inclusive environment. This policy outlines what situations may have a conflict of interest and how to report them.
This policy applies to all Intuit employees.
This policy applies to personal relationships and family relationships that develop before or after an employee starts working for the company (for example, in the case of family relationships, because of a marriage).
- Personal relationship means a dating, romantic, sexual, boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, domestic partner or similar type of relationship.
- Family member means someone blood-related, marriage-related, or adopted relatives such as a parent, child, spouse, brother, sister, stepparent, stepchild, stepbrother, stepsister of the employee or the employee’s spouse or domestic partner.
- Conflict of interest means a situation where personal loyalties or responsibilities are at odds with Intuit’s interests; even just the perception of favoritism towards a family member or significant other can create a conflict and cause concern for those around you.
Relationships That Aren’t Allowed
Intuit does not allow the following relationships:
- For people managers:
- Having a direct or indirect reporting relationship with a family member or someone they are in a personal relationship with.
- For all employees:
- Having a contingent worker assigned to them or assigned to their direct or indirect reports who is a family member or someone they are in a personal relationship with;
- Overseeing or managing a relationship with a partner, vendor or supplier where a business contact for the partner, vendor or supplier is a family member or someone the employee is in a personal relationship with;
- Being on an interview team or provide input on a hiring decision for a family member or someone they are in a personal relationship with; or
- Giving performance feedback on a family member or someone they are in a personal relationship with.
Relationships That Must Be Disclosed
We also require employees to disclose the following situations to Ask Ethics or HR Connect for review and approval because they may create an actual or perceived conflict of interest:
- For directors and above:
- Having a family member working for Intuit as an employee, a contingent worker or as the Intuit contact for an Intuit partner, vendor or supplier; or
- Being in a personal relationship with any other Intuit employee, contingent worker or Intuit contact for an Intuit partner, vendor or supplier.
- For people managers:
- Having a family member who reports up to the same VP; or
- Being in a personal relationship with a co-worker who reports up to the same VP.
- For all other employees
- Being in a personal relationship with a co-worker on the same team or someone you work closely with on projects; or
- Working on the same team as a family member or working closely together on projects with a family member.
Other types of relationships can also create a conflict or potential conflict. If you have any questions or think there could be a conflict, it is always best to ask.
How We Handle Conflicts of Interest
If Intuit determines that there is an actual or potential conflict, we will discuss options with you, including transition to another role. We will take into account all of the relevant circumstances in reaching a resolution, but please note that we have a specific rule for VPs and above that will impact their ability to remain in their role.
If you are a VP or above and start a new personal relationship with any Intuit employee at any level below you, you will have to move into a new role (e.g., below VP) where there is no conflict, or if that’s not possible, exit the company or end the relationship.
If a director or below starts a personal relationship with someone at any level below them that creates an actual or potential conflict of interest, the more senior person may have to move roles or exit the company, but it depends on other available options.
If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, or if you’re not sure how it applies to your particular circumstances, contact HR Connect or Ask Ethics. If you want to start a personal relationship that is not allowed under this policy and need help figuring out if a transfer to another role would resolve the conflict, contact Ask Ethics or HR Connect.
If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, or if you’re not sure how it applies to your particular circumstances, contact HR Connect or Ask Ethics. If you want to start a personal relationship that is not allowed under this policy and need help figuring out if a transfer to another role would resolve the conflict, contact Ask Ethics or HR Connect.
Retaliation is Prohibited
Intuit prohibits retaliation against individuals who raise concerns about violations of this policy either internally or externally or who help with an investigation of a complaint.
Prohibited Retaliation can include:
- Termination or demotion
- Reducing pay or benefits
- Blocking a mobility or promotion move
- Unfairly criticizing or evaluating job performance
- Interfering with work
- Ostracizing or otherwise excluding an individual from activities at work
- Physical violence
- Threatening to do any of the above
Company Policies at Credit Karma
Credit Karma is proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. We welcome all candidates without regard to race, color, religion, age, marital status, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition), sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, national origin, veteran or military status, disability (physical or mental), genetic information, or other protected characteristic. We prohibit discrimination of any kind and operate in compliance with applicable fair chance laws.
Credit Karma is also committed to a diverse and inclusive work environment because it is the right thing to do. We believe that such an environment advances long-term professional growth, creates a robust business, and supports our mission of championing financial progress for everyone. We offer generous benefits and perks with a single eye to nourishing an inclusive environment that recognizes the contributions of all and fosters diversity by supporting our internal Employee Resource Groups. We’ve worked hard to build an intensely collaborative and creative environment, a diverse and inclusive employee culture, and the opportunity for professional growth. As part of the Credit Karma team, your voice will be heard, your contributions will matter, and your unique background and experiences will be celebrated.
Credit Karma does not tolerate harassment or discrimination of any kind against employees or other covered persons by coworkers, supervisors, managers, or third parties, based on an individual’s race (including traits historically associated with race such as hair texture and protective hairstyles), color, religion, creed, age, marital status, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, chestfeeding or related medical condition), sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or gender expression, national origin, ancestry, veteran or military status, disability (physical or mental), medical condition, denial of family and medical care leave, political activity or affiliation, status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, taking or requesting statutorily protected leaves, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by local, state and/or federal law. We also operate in compliance with applicable fair chance laws.
Conduct prohibited by this Policy may involve such things as treating a person differently or making derogatory comments, slurs, epithets, stereotyping or other verbal abuse based on a protected characteristic, as well as abusive or hostile treatment, or similar offensive and unwelcome verbal or other conduct based on a protected characteristic. It may occur in the workplace, after hours (offsites, parties, and events), or on social media. In some cases, it may be unlawful to engage in harassment based on a perceived characteristic, or association with someone with an actual or perceived protected characteristic.
Per laws applicable to each of our Credit Karma offices, and consistent with our core values, sexual harassment is strictly prohibited. Sexual harassment may occur when someone either (1) conditions a job, promotion, or other work benefit on an employee’s submitting to sexual advances or other conduct based on sex, or (2) makes unwelcome comments or engages in conduct based on sex that unreasonably interferes with an employee’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. Behaviors that may be sexual harassment include:
- Unwanted sexual advances;
- Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors;
- Leering, gestures, or displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons or posters;
- Derogatory comments, epithets, slurs or jokes;
- Graphic comments, sexually degrading words, or suggestive or obscene messages or invitations; and
- Physical touching or assault, as well as impeding or blocking movements.
Credit Karma also has a zero-tolerance policy for violence in the workplace. Actual or threatened violence by or against employees or any other persons who are on our premises or conducting work on our behalf will not be tolerated. Although you should report any verbal or physical threats of violence to Talent Operations, please contact Physical Security and/or local law enforcement immediately if you become aware of any actual violence, imminent violence or threat of violence, and then inform Talent Operations.
We seek to provide an environment free from alcohol and drug abuse.
While on company property, whether on or off duty, or while conducting company business, employees may not report to work under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or any controlled substance or prescription drug not medically authorized, and may not possess or use illegal drugs or any controlled substance or prescription drug not medically authorized.
Anyone who drinks alcohol on-site must be of legal age, do so responsibly, and adhere to Credit Karma’s policies, including the Events Policy and the Workplace Conduct Policy.
We recognize drug and alcohol dependency as an illness and a major health challenge. Credit Karma also recognizes drug abuse as a potential health, safety, and security problem. Employees who need help in dealing with such matters are encouraged to use our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and health insurance programs.
Further information about these programs is available from go/Benefits.
Having a family or other personal relationship (e.g., dating) with another Credit Karma employee, contingent worker, vendor, supplier or other third-party service provider can create an actual or perceived conflict of interest. We therefore require employees to disclose to Ask Ethics any relationships with their colleagues that may create such a conflict.
For example, to avoid the appearance of favoritism, employees are prohibited from directly or indirectly managing, evaluating the performance; influencing compensation decisions, transfers or promotions; or approving budgets, invoices and headcount; of anyone with whom they have a family or personal relationship. Other prohibitions or guardrails will apply based on the circumstances and seniority level of the employees involved. For example, given their relative position of power and influence over decision making for the entire organization, Vice Presidents and above are prohibited from engaging in a personal relationship with any Karmanaut.
Credit Karma employees also cannot sit on the interview panel to select candidates who are either relatives or someone with whom they have a personal relationship, regardless of whether the candidate is applying for a role as an employee or contingent worker, or is being considered as a vendor, supplier or other third-party service provider. If you recommend a relative or someone with whom you are in a personal relationship, you must disclose that relationship in the approval process. You will not be eligible to receive a referral bonus under those circumstances.
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