Learn how this student partnered with his teacher to use Design for Delight and QuickBooks to launch his own business after graduation.

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Retrospective: Intuit's Inaugural Social Innovation Challenge
Dive deeper into the experience of Intuit's Social Innovation Challenge and the impact it has made on these innovative student competitors.

The State of Personal Finance
More than ever, students and teachers are prioritizing personal finance education, aiming to close the wealth equity gap across the country.
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Social Innovation Challenge Teams
Intuit partners with school districts and educational organizations to provide students with an opportunity to learn design thinking, develop innovative solutions, and compete to win scholarships. Check out some of the outstanding teams who have competed in the Social Innovation Challenge.
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Unlocking Potential: Turning Dreamers Into Entrepreneurs

Retrospective: Intuit's Inagural Social Innovation Challenge
What our educators are saying

As a teacher, I am extremely passionate and enthusiastic when it comes to my students learning the [QuickBooks Online] platform as well as the accounting that takes place behind the scenes. I believe that in doing so, I am setting my students up for success in the workplace and/or in their own businesses.

QuickBooks Online is one of my favorite courses to teach because it gives students tangible skills at the end of the semester (actually around the middle of the semester) they can immediately implement to be successful employees, or even entrepreneurs.

We want these kids to be able to fail forward, so that they can be resilient. I really think they're going to transfer these [design thinking] skills to the workforce, and that's going to make for better employees all around. They're going to be able to think more critically and creatively and solve problems.
What our students are saying

I was introduced to QuickBooks by my professors at Hillsborough Community College. As the founder of Forgot or Knot, QuickBooks has helped me gain the discipline and form the habits I needed to manage my customers and company financials. It gave me the foundation and the confidence to scale the business.

I am beyond grateful to have had the wonderful opportunity of working with Intuit QuickBooks through The University of Texas at Dallas. Upon graduation, receiving my QuickBooks Certification opened up an innumerable amount of career opportunities and has solidified my skills within my profession of accounting.

By having guidance from my mentors, working with my teammates, and pitching the website to interested users, I gained insight into working in a real-world setting.
I have seen how detrimental not having access to mentors or people that understand certain aspects, like governmental procedures and permits, can be to a minority entrepreneur,” Mata said. “With our product we hoped to have been able to close this knowledge gap while creating an opportunity to network.
We developed problem solving skills as well as learned how to work in a team. We will utilize these skills by applying them to our future careers.
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