Only 3% of women consider tech as their first choice for a career. Reasons for this vary from women being unaware of what a job in the tech field would be like to a general disinterest in tech because it’s seen as a male-dominated industry.
Angie Robert is committed to changing that. As an Executive Communications Leader and global co-chair of the Intuit Women’s Network employee resource group, Angie is a big part of the reason we’re making meaningful strides in representation.
As we celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, we sat down with the 8-year Intuit veteran and mother of three to learn more about her and the Intuit Women’s Network (IWN).
What would you say stands out most for you about working here?
I was attracted to Intuit initially because of its reputation for treating its employees with respect, which is 100% accurate times a million. I then found out there are about 100 other reasons Intuit is the best company around, so I really lucked out getting a job here back in 2014.
Intuit treats its employees like adults. That sounds laughable when you say it out loud, but if you’ve worked at other places, you know that the opposite can be very real.
Some of my biggest joys working at Intuit have come from taking on leadership roles for the IWN. The network has far exceeded my expectations in every way; it helped unlock new job opportunities for me, has opened my eyes to new ways of thinking, and enabled me to have a ton of fun doing things at work that I wouldn’t have the opportunity to do if I weren’t in this position.
How does the work you do with the IWN support our aspiration to be a workplace that encourages diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging?
Our strategic focus areas enable us to create impactful programming and initiatives that drive DEI across Intuit, through our customers, and in the communities we serve.
Some tangible examples of that are through our advocacy initiatives:
1) Women and Their Bodies
2) Impacting the Communities, Customers, and Industries We Serve.
For Women and Their Bodies, we have created a series to help reimagine the way we think and talk about our bodies. Topics include breast health, body neutrality, menopause, and weight. In upcoming months we will focus on fertility and infertility, hair, access to health care, attire, and aging.
This sounds so simple, but these conversations haven’t been had at work traditionally. Just talking about it is empowering and helps shed light on our differences and similarities so we can be better allies and advocates for one another.
For Impacting the Communities, Customers, and Industries We Serve, we’re supporting a global charitable cause that’s mission is to prevent violence against women. Our goal is to raise $50K.
We’ve also put an emphasis on supporting women-owned businesses, and we’re doing that by bringing women-owned businesses to local Intuit campuses, purchasing their products, hiring them for our events, and giving them the chance to shine at pop-up shopping and educational events.
What about your role within the Intuit Women’s Network excites you?
Everything. This is my favorite role at Intuit and it isn’t even my “day job.” I adore working with the passionate local IWN chairs around the world, and I’ve made incredible connections with and learned so much from the global chairs of the other ERGS. My personal and professional network has grown thanks to it, and I can 100% say that I am a smarter, more empathetic leader because of them.
If I had to pick only one thing that makes me jump out of bed with excitement, it is the opportunity to advocate for women. I feel like I am really making a difference in the world if I can have the tough conversations, take a stand where it counts, and be the champion for anyone who feels, or has ever felt, like an underdog.
How do you embrace equity in your career or personal life?
For me, that means constant learning. Every time I think I’ve got diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) nailed down, I am usually reminded pretty quickly that I don’t, and that it is an endless journey and constant personal evolution.
You have to always listen, and not be afraid to ask questions and be vulnerable. I’m constantly scared about messing up, but if I don’t keep trying then no progress will be made. No one, not any of us, is doing it perfectly, but if we all commit to continued learning and effort in the DEI space, then we are moving in the right direction.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to be an ally of the Intuit Women’s Network (or even women in general)?
Come on in! Everyone is welcome and there’s a place for everyone. We all have gifts and talents to be shared and respected.
If you want to be a great ally in any form, listen and engage with an open heart. And remember, just because someone said something, doesn’t mean it is true.
Don’t be afraid to respectfully question the status quo if something doesn’t feel right or seems outdated. Sometimes the people who don’t have the answers make the biggest difference, simply because they asked the questions and had the courage to help drive change.
Angie Robert (bottom of frame) poses with attendees at a wine tasting fundraiser for the IWN.
What advice would you give to women looking to pursue a career in tech?
I worked at Intuit for a long time in corporate communications before it dawned on me that I too have a career in tech. For the longest time I thought having a career in tech meant you had to be an engineer or know how to code. That was wrong.
There is a place for every professional discipline in tech if you have a love of learning and continued innovation. I’ve done the best work of my life at Intuit because of the tech mindset. The company fosters the culture of continuous improvement and is a leading tech company because of it.
At Intuit, we aim to foster positive experiences at every level of someone’s professional journey. While we have dedicated resources to increasing representation of underrepresented communities, including women, at all levels, we acknowledge we have more work to do.
If you are interested in joining our team, check out our open positions here.