60 engineering interview questions to expect (and 12 to ask) during your job search

View engineering interview questions and strategies for answering them. Prepare for your next interview with these common interview questions and tips.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects an average of 153,900 software engineer openings annually through 2032—far outpacing the average for all occupations. And the role’s median salary of $130,160 is among the most competitive in the US market.

Arming yourself with knowledge before a job interview can boost your chances of landing one of these coveted roles.

Whether you’re a recent graduate seeking an internship or an industry veteran pursuing your next career move, the following engineer interview questions will help you prepare for your next job search.

General questions

As the name implies, general questions are those nonspecific, nontechnical inquiries any interviewer might pose during any job application process. Typically asked at the interview’s outset, these questions aim to break the ice and gain a broad understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and career aspirations. 

Do not underestimate the importance of general questions. Your answers will shape the hiring manager’s first impression of you—and that’s really important. These questions also assess how much you align with the company’s values and provide insights into your personality, communication skills, and ability to articulate your thoughts.

  1. Why did you apply for this particular role?
  2. How did you hear about this position?
  3. Are you applying for other jobs?
  4. Why do you think you’re a good fit for our company?
  5. What do you think our company can offer you?
  6. Which words would you use to describe yourself?
  7. What are your biggest strengths? What are your flaws?
  8. What do you like most about engineering? What do you dislike?
  9. What motivates you in your day-to-day work?
  10. What is your ideal work environment?
  11. Can you tell us more about your work ethic?
  12. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
  13. What are your current goals?
  14. Why did you pursue a degree in software/computer/data engineering?
  15. What are your salary expectations?

Previous experience and background

Interviewers ask background and experience-based questions to gauge how qualified you are for the position you’re pursuing. These questions delve into your past roles, achievements, and educational background. The idea is to assess how much your abilities, skills, and industry knowledge align with the company’s mission and the specific requirements of the role.

It’s useful to know which skills or accomplishments to emphasize. For example, when answering background questions during a software engineer interview, you might highlight how a tool you coded helped solve practical problems and reduce costs for your previous employer.

  1. What is your educational background?
  2. Are you looking to obtain a higher educational degree (e.g., Ph.D.)?
  3. Which coding languages do you know, and which ones have you used?
  4. Did you complete any courses or obtain technical certifications in the last year?
  5. Did you learn or improve any engineering skills in the last six months?
  6. How do you keep updated with the latest technology?
  7. How familiar are you with artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs)?
  8. What software packages/tools/suites are you familiar with?
  9. What were your most recent experiences in engineering?
  10. What were your tasks and responsibilities in your previous role?
  11. In which industries have you worked during your career?
  12. What was your biggest accomplishment during your career?
  13. Can you provide an example of how you have applied your technical knowledge in a practical way?
  14. On your previous projects, what problems or weaknesses were you able to identify and solve?
  15. How did you work with a team to meet a shared goal?

Technical questions

Technical questions are at the heart of any set of engineer interview questions. They assess your fundamental engineering skills, critical thinking ability, and problem-solving capabilities. Indirectly, they evaluate your ability to communicate and think clearly under stress.

Depending on the job and required experience level, these questions can be highly specific, focusing on software tools, programming languages, methodologies, or data management. For example, technical interview questions for a data engineer might focus on how you handle large datasets or optimize data pipelines.

  1. Describe your process when writing a piece of code, including the tools you use and how you meet deadlines.
  2. Can you explain why wireless signals lose power over distance and how to address this issue in a large, multi-storied office building?
  3. What is the significance of RESTful APIs in web development?
  4. Can you describe a time you optimized an inefficient piece of code?
  5. What are the principles of agile software development?
  6. Can you summarize the differences between SQL and NoSQL databases?
  7. What steps do you take to ensure the security of your code?
  8. Can you describe the three most important steps to optimizing a website for mobile?
  9. Are you familiar with service-oriented architecture (SOA)?
  10. Can you tell me the differences and practical applications of vertical scaling and horizontal scaling?
  11. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming?
  12. How do you implement error handling in a large-scale distributed system?
  13. Which programming languages would you use to analyze a large dataset and why?
  14. What experience do you have with cloud computing platforms like AWS or Azure?
  15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Kubernetes versus Docker containers?

Questions about soft skills

Soft skills are important in every job. They complement technical abilities and are what make you a productive and collaborative member of the team. Interviewers ask questions about skills to assess your leadership, collaboration, communication, and time management abilities. 

Similar to general questions, these might investigate your soft skills less directly by asking about past challenges or how you’d navigate hypothetical scenarios. Demonstrating strong soft skills can set you apart as a well-rounded candidate. In many cases, it’s no less important than showcasing your technical knowledge.

  1. How do you ensure effective collaboration within a diverse team?
  2. Have you ever mentored or coached less experienced team members?
  3. If you didn’t choose an engineering career, what would your job be today?
  4. How do you ensure quality in your deliverables on a day-to-day basis?
  5. How would you handle a difficult client who is particularly disappointed with the engineering project you’re working on?
  6. A few days before an important deadline, you realize you won’t be able to meet it in time. What do you do?
  7. A project you’re working on is facing a serious issue. Your employer blames you, but you know it’s the fault of an inexperienced junior colleague. How do you handle the situation?
  8. What is the most negative feedback you’ve received from a supervisor? And how did you react?
  9. What personal characteristics do you feel are the most important to be successful in your line of work?
  10. Have you ever led a project? Why were you chosen for this role?
  11. What processes or strategies do you employ to minimize the risk of making mistakes while you work?
  12. How would you describe a perfect team?
  13. What’s the biggest challenge you might face during your job?
  14. What characteristics do you expect from your ideal manager?
  15. Given the choice, would you prefer to work on a small team, a large team, or alone?

Questions you should ask the interviewer

At the end of the interview, the employer typically gives you the opportunity to ask a few questions. This is a delicate and critical moment—after all, a job interview should be a two-way street. Aim these questions at assessing whether the job’s a fit for you, gaining more information about the role, and determining if your goals align with those of your potential employer.

Engaging with the interviewer through thoughtful questions also shows you’re a proactive candidate capable of independent thinking. Just remember, don’t ask for information you can find yourself with a quick Google search.

  1. Can you describe the team I’ll be working with?
  2. Can you outline a typical day in this role?
  3. What projects will I be working on in the immediate future?
  4. What tools, software, platforms, or suites does the team use?
  5. What metrics are used to measure success in the company and within the engineering team?
  6. How do managers or supervisors handle performance reviews and feedback?
  7. How is communication managed between management and staff (emails, status reports, weekly meetings)?
  8. What are the current biggest challenges facing the engineering team, and how can I contribute to solving them?
  9. How does my role contribute to the company’s overall success?
  10. Does the company offer opportunities for training or professional development? If so, what are they?
  11. How does the company support work-life balance?
  12. What are the next steps in the interview process?

Learn more about engineering careers in tech

Hiring managers will analyze your answers to these engineering interviewing questions to determine how well you fit within the company culture and your commitment to the role. So, spend some time strategizing your answers (and the questions you’ll ask) and up your odds of landing the job. Ready to take the next step in your engineering career? Explore rewarding opportunities at Intuit and see how you can make an impact on millions of customers worldwide.