Ready, set, finance: Financial Literacy Month challenge

    Sign up for this FREE, nationwide program and challenge your school to spend at least one hour learning about budgeting during Financial Literacy Month. Schools can compete to win prizes, too.

    The challenge begins on April 1, 2025.

    A picture of a clock with words in the bottom.
    A picture of a clock with words in the bottom.
    Mark your calendar. The Hour of FinanceTM Challenge begins on April 1, 2025. 

    What’s the Hour of FinanceTM Challenge?

    Join the Intuit Hour of Finance Challenge and boost your financial knowledge. This challenge includes:

    • An interactive budgeting activity from Intuit for Education.
    • An online game to test your budgeting skills.
    • A debrief to reflect on your learnings.

    Plus, eligible schools can win prizes and receive national and state recognition.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate financial literacy for both yourself and others. Sign up for the Intuit Hour of Finance Challenge today!

    A person standing in front of a laptop computer.

    Prizes and eligibility

    Step into the winners’ circle and get rewarded

    Prize details

    • National champions: Top three middle and high school winners will be recognized and receive Chromebooks for their schools.
    • State-level champions: Each state winner will be recognized and receive a trophy.

    Prize eligibility details

    Only registered middle schools and high schools are eligible to win. See the Official Rules for complete details and prize restrictions.

    A person smiles while holding a glass of ice cream.

    Listen to the buzz! Real success stories from the Hour of Finance Challenge

    A picture of a person in a gas station.
    A group of people watching a computer screen.

    2025 challenge schedule

    Frequently asked questions

    Join the Hour of Finance Challenge and boost your financial knowledege!

    Explore personal finance with free curriculum from Intuit for Education

    Our free financial literacy curriculum is flexible and packed with the tools and resources you need to bring financial concepts to life in your classroom. Help your students gain the confidence they need to make smart financial decisions.

    A laptop computer with a bunch of text on it.

    Supporting partners